The Face Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.Hollow Knight has plenty of locations like these, like Deepnest (dark underground cavern overloaded with Big Creepy-Crawlies,) the Howling Cliffs (a desolate cliffside with intense winds said to drive people mad,) Kingdom's Edge (another desolate wasteland covered in ash-like cast-off pieces of the Wyrm's former shell, with a colosseum high above it from which dead gladiators are constantly falling out of,) the Ancient Basin (an ancient ruin even among ancient ruins, with no music at all and - after acquiring a certain item - not even any ambience) and The Abyss, a sealed pit far below the Ancient Basin and the birthplace of both the protagonist and the titular Hollow Knight, covered in dead bodies and utter black pools of pure void that thrash about when the player gets near.At the beginning, the heroine comments that the air smells like human blood, it is extremely dark and the music is eerie. The only other place with no background music in the entire game is the pause screen. Except for the noise of machines trying to gut your love interest, there's no music at all. The sky is dark,the ground is an ominous blood red, there are no other animals or life (except for the creepy doberman chasing you), and then an ominous background music that seems there just to make you want to get out of there. Dog's Life for PS2: All levels so far have been, if not all of them cheerful, and except some creepy moments like the dog catcher's doberman chasing you around and a couple of criminals you thwarted, relatively safe.It's Always Night, most of the colors are a muted blue, time is frozen everywhere, there's a creepy forest to traverse, you go to her old home, which is deserted, and at one point the Bogs freeze Cinderella herself, making it the only point where they directly attack a princess. In Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey, Cinderella's world is this.Cubivore has entirely different bleak levels early on, which are purely WHITE and desolate.The "Egg Corridor?" ( The Egg Corridor post-destruction) counts as well. All of the inhabitants of the village are missing, and the level music is replaced by an ominous, minor-key song, "Quiet". In Cave Story, Mimiga Village, specifically when you return there after escaping the Labyrinth.The other non-dungeon areas of the game have lighthearted and whimsical themes, but the Wastelands are a grey, barren region covered in skulls, dead plants, and orc encampments with ominous, militaristic music playing.

Creepy and depressing doesn't begin to cover it and it reveals just what the hell has been going on with Alice's orphanage. There's fiery destruction, creepy Blob Monster armies, and Body Horror everywhere. Alice: Madness Returns is not what one would call a cheerful game, not by a long shot.